Friday, May 15, 2009

Job Search Begins

Hola, sorry again for being lackluster with this bad boy, I don't think many of you look at it anyway, but oh you will. For starters, RI.P. to Wayman Tisdale. His 2 year battle with cancer ended this morning for the College Basketball Hall of Famer. He had his leg amputated a year ago, and was a ridiculously good musician. ESPN did a nice piece on him last December, and they've been replaying it on SportsCenter if you'd like to look at it. My thoughts and prayers are with his family.
  • Ok so it took 5. The Nuggets look good. Don't get me wrong, the Mavs did not play their best basketball, but damn the Nuggets do look good. They really are a different team, and compared to the other top seed left in the West, they are the best team in the L as of now. Congrats Denver, it's been a long time.
  • I can't believe the Lakers-Rockets series is going to a Game 7. If you're the Lakers, how are you not licking your chops when you see Houston's top two centers in Yao and Dikembe in suits at the tip?! Not to take any credit away from the healthy Rockets because those guys have played their hearts out, but you know that the Lakers are way more talented than you guys are. I just don't get it. The Lakers are so talented and really could run through everyone, possibly including the Cavs, but for whatever reason they don't. It's unreal. I'm not mad though, they are possibly my least favorite team in the league. I'm not complimenting them when I say how talented they are, I'm just keeping it real.
  • Another Game 7 for the Celtics. Losing last night to the Magic in Orlando after a dominant performance by Dwight Howard (23/22) is nothing to frown about, except for the fact that you have to play another game. Let's say the Clovers win that, what's next? Oh yeah, the well rested and swept every playoff series this year and won every game by double digits, Cavs. Good luck to the Celtics...hell good luck to whoever wins that series...because you're losing the next series. Guaranteed.
  • In hockey news (no, we don't cover hockey), top seeded Bruins lost last night. Thus, leaving the Penguins as the top seed left in the East. Look for a Penguins-Red Wings Stanley Cup series, with the Penguins winning it all. The Kid will lead the way.
  • Excuse my french, but this has got to be said, and I know Big Wil supports me on this. That guy who runs UFC, Dana, is the cockiest, most selfish, rudest, most pompous ass I have ever seen/heard. He's getting all this air time now and yes he is the president of UFC, the fastest growing sport, but come on "bro", Affliction and TapOut run your world. You have no Fortune 500 backing and you're going to get on camera and basically tell them to F off?!! Are you serious?! I understand the numbers, the bottom line, how fast you've grown, chicks dig it, guys love it, but honestly, you aren't God's gift to this great Earth, and you aren't the man. I don't care if you can fight, I don't care what you've done, if it's that great, let your work speak for itself. Jackass. Man up and act like a professional, a businessman, not a fighter trying to take your fight to the corporate world.
  • Brett Favre is reportedly seeing a doctor about his torn right bicep and the necessary care to rid his problem. This guy just doesn't give it up. Yes he can still get it done, yes he can still break fingers with his passes, yes he still throws INT's like he's the beer guy tossing you cold ones at the game. But learn from your elders, give it up while you're on top. You are quickly losing your legacy with the Packers and just becoming that guy that won't quit. I know you're not about the fame and the drama, you're just a 67 year old kid. But use that wise brain, let it go Brett, let it go. Madden is done, you should be too.
Shout out today goes to Mr. Hudson. He's a UK artist who just signed with 'Ye. Mr. West says this young squire could be bigger than him. "Supernova" is the new jam, with 'Ye gettin on a verse to add a nice little touch. Check out the fire.
Love you babay.



  1. I read you HE ! Love the perspective. Not that I agree with it all the time, but as you say, just keeping it real. Might be time to take this thing to a bigger stage. You've got a great style and insight. Many eyeballs could add up to many $$. Keep those HSO's coming!

  2. H I'ma need you to address the t.o. situation in buffalo...24hrs and he already has the key to the city? who has more pressure: him or edwards? I say t.o. but some people don't agree...
